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Some random dude in game

A member registered Oct 05, 2021

Recent community posts

I just got a bug where you can't move, so I must use the guns recoil just to move, dying doesn't fix it. Is that a problem with my computer or with the game?

Just jump while you got something that create the black screen and you can get out of the map

stickman worker that have sticks to fight :)

RIP Flash, you will always be remembered

do you ever use gossip?

i learned about this from DF's channel

(yes you spelled it wrong)

you just need to go through the elevator

then le devs could make a swordsman and sword buff but you are not a dev tho. Good idea


no not only you

go to option and click i have a weak computer


yeah it broke my 10 combo

no there's order almost, the bost always have the same patern

i kick on that overweight guy before he could even drop me

I never stuck in the floor before, but when i kick the enemy to the roof, it disconnects and stuck there


I can at least kinda play it with a crappy pc

masterpiece of masterpiece of masterpiece of masterpiece... is how I describe this game

banana is the last upgrade of banana

there's just character and you will figure it out yourself. I unlocked jogger and I use 1 simple trick, get a lot of 10km runs and kick then spam space

maybe he's not a weeb

I found a cheat where if we use the last upgrade of upgrade and use that move a lot, just kill them and get unlimited exp 

I don't learn anything, I use jogger and spam kick

When is too fast then they're blurs

it just made the floor lighter

is like normal mode and you can create objects and crates?

all the rogue-like game is like that

who's banana dude?

You can download it here:

Sick? Did you mean the stickman is ill or smthn?